YEAR BOOK Advertising



The National Airedale Terrier Association will once again be producing a Year Book for publication in 2024, which will record all the main events of the 2023 year, throughout the Airedale Terrier world. It will comprise show awards, a list of UK CC winners and new champions, club news, world news, advertising pages and much, much more.


If you wish to consider advertising in the 2023 edition, listed below are the details.




All the advertising in the 2023 Year Book will be in full colour, A5 size (148mm wide x 210mm deep). The charge for advertising is as follows:-:-


First Page Entry  £35.00


Second & Subsequent Pages £30.00 each


These charges are inclusive of photographs and logos.

However, placing an advert does not include a free copy of the year book.





Advertising Deadlines

Please send your advertisement copy, photographs, logos and payment to me using this form. All advertising material should be received not later than Thursday 30th November 2023.


We hope to be able to send you a proof of your advertisement but that will depend on the time available. The earlier you send your advertisement the more chance you have of receiving a proof copy for approval.


Minor changes to your advertisement can be accepted up to Thursday 14th December 2023, provided that these are required as a result of you winning at shows which take place after Thursday 30th November 2023.




No advertising can be accepted without payment. Payment by UK advertisers should be made by cheque or postal order. Payment by overseas advertisers should be made by cheque or bankers draft in POUNDS STERLING, and must be able to be cleared through a branch of a resident British bank. International money orders are acceptable but Eurocheques can no longer be accepted by British Banks. All cheques etc. must be made payable to NATIONAL AIREDALE TERRIER ASSOCIATION. Cheques must NOT be made payable to an individual.


Alternatively you can pay for your advertising and membership by credit card using Paypal.        Book and Pay



Neither the National Airedale Terrier Association, nor any of its officers, will be liable for loss of any banknotes or coins sent through the post in payment for an advertisement. You are advised, for your own security, not to send banknotes or coins through the post.



Please send payment or proof of payment via Paypal with your advertising copy, photograph(s) and logo(s) to


Mrs Jane Turner

29 Barnett Close, Wonersh, Guildford, Surrey. GU5 0SD.




Legal requirements

Please note that if you use photographs in your advertisement which have been professionally taken, you must ensure that you have permission to reproduce the photograph in the Year Book. All photographs are reproduced on the understanding that you have confirmed that you have the required authority.


Technical requirements

Your photographs should NOT be cropped (reduced in size by cutting). It is better for us to do this when we do the reproduction layout. Just indicate the area that you wish to be used by overlaying a paper mask. Don’t mark the face of the photograph in any way.


For those who wish to provide photographs, or finished advertisements, on disk the following formats are acceptable:-


Photoshop EPS, TIFF or JPEG, (CMYK or RGB) at 300dpi resolution for the highest quality reproduction. 72dpi resolution is NOT acceptable in any format. Please ensure all images are bright and in focus. Images sent by email must be separate files attached to the email. Embedded images are not acceptable unless in pdf format ensuring fonts are also embedded. Both PC and MAC formatted disks are acceptable as CD or DVD. Unfortunately we cannot accept Publisher files or Floppy Disks.


Computer printed photographs cannot be accepted, as quality cannot be guaranteed. This includes prints made from photographs taken with a digital camera. We require the image file on disk or emailed, which meets the above requirements. If in doubt, please telephone Jane Turner on +44 (0)1483 898541 for advice.


If your photographs have been professionally taken, the photographer should have the facility to supply your photographs on disk to the above requirements. If you have taken your own photographs you can still have them put on disk by the company that processed your films and prints.

Please note:

Commercial advertising is not permitted. National Airedale Terrier Association reserves the right to refuse advertising it deems inappropriate.


When supplying your own adverts in Photoshop, pdf or any other format please allow 3mm extra all around your advert if you require colour or your photograph to fill the page, and place text at least 8mm in from the edge.

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